Thursday, September 12, 2019

Jack Blanchard's Column, September 11, 2001

(Written on that day)

We're all zombies here today

We somehow find our way to the grocery store or

post office like sleepwalkers.

We stare blankly at the television in disbelief.

People leaping from firey windows over a hundred floors up.

A couple jumping hand in hand to their death.

We've been getting messages of sympathy from friends

around the world.

Thank you.

We're glad you're there, and we're glad you care.

This is obviously a dark time for the American people.

Our thoughts are with the victims and the people who love them.

The airports are all closed.

Folks who ordinarily rant and rave if their flight is delayed,

seem to be taking it without protest,

quietly seeking another way to get home. Too quietly.

Like zombies.

We worry about friends up north.

We'll try to call tomorrow.

Today is not a good time to overload the phone lines.

In some different way, all of us are victims.

Jack Blanchard

Jack Blanchard & Misty Morgan...
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Billboard Duet of the Year, Grammy and CMA Finalists. 

© Jack Blanchard, 2019.  

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